Newsletter 2002 (PDF-File)


Address of the ISCEV website:


This newsletter is simultaneously published on the web and on paper, first distributed to the participants of the Leuven Symposium.


To improve future newsletters, send nice and thoughtful feedback to Michael Bach,

  President’s Message top ↑

Miyake image The 39th ISCEV Symposium, organised by Dr Pierre Lachapelle, was successfully held from 17-22 June 2001 in the resort area of Mont Orford in Quebec, Canada. It was one of the best organised meetings, and this was reflected not only in the scientific programme, but also in the conference enviroment, and organiser’s hospitality; the meeting will long be remembered by all who attended. The event attracted more than 200 people, with 125 registrants and 80 accompanying persons, and on behalf of everyone, I take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to Dr Lachapelle and his team.

Numerous innovative activities were organised during the meeting, and among them Wednesday night’s “memorial photo evening” was absolutely splendid. All of us were asked to submit photos taken during past ISCEV meetings and we enjoyed the moments of looking back at the history of our society. Prof Yutaka Tazawa from Morioka, Japan had done a wonderful job of editing a video taken during the 16th ISCEV meeting held in Morioka in 1978, showing the younger days of Prof Henkes (who was the President at that time), Prof Nillson, and the late Profs. Tomita and Van Lith, the still active Prof Adachi, and a splendidly hirsute Prof Marmor. Prof Tazawa deserved the Grand Prix for this wonderful work!

The Eberhard Dodt Award, which was inaugurated in 1996, was presented to Alison Mackay of Glasgow University in the UK. The thema of her research was “The Laplacian electrode montage detects steady-state VEPs faster than a conventional montage in children over three years old”, which contributed significantly in paediatric electrophysiological testing. During the award ceremony, Prof Dodt’s widow, Mrs. Elke Dodt, gave a speech to congratulate the recipient, and I take this opportunity to also extend my congratulations to Dr Mackay and her colleagues.

This ISCEV meeting had 120 presentations: 3 invited lectures, 48 papers, and 69 posters. The main topics of the meeting were “The rise and fall of vision: from paediatric to geriatric visual electrophysiology” and “Visual electrophysiology and genetics: from animal models to clinical application”. The three main lectures were the following:

(1) DM Regan (Canada): Clinical electrophysiology and clinical psychophysics
(2) J Brecelj (Slovenia): From immature to mature pattern ERG and VEP
(3) NS Peachey (USA): Importance of visual electrophysiology in the evaluation of mutant mice

ISCEV continues to increase its activities. The Western Hemisphere “ISCEV@ARVO” and various meetings in Europe, China and Japan all work together with ISCEV and this is made possible by the efforts of ISCEV Board members. I take this opportunity to express my respect and gratitude to these members. Prof Colin Barber continues to play a key role and his fundamental support is vital in running the society. Prof Vernon Odom who is the Editor-in-chief of our Journal, Documenta Ophthalmologica, has been serving the second term of the position. Because of his hard work, I hope the special editions will provide interesting reading. Dr Ulrich Kellner has become the new Treasurer and we are all happy to see that he has been well prepared to take over the role in Berlin. Dr Richard Weleber, another Board member, is now serving the second term as the Secretary (America); in the Western Hemisphere, he and his family have worked hard; our collaboration has now become a major event at ARVO where all participants thoroughly enjoy active discussions of our mutual interest.

We have two new new board members, Dr Atsushi Mizota (Chiba, Japan) has been elected as the Secretary (Asia/Australia) and Dr Mitchell Brigell as Member-at-Large. We welcome them to their new roles and look forward to their further contribution. On the other hand, we are sad to see Prof Emiko Adachi finish her term as Board member, and we extend our deepest gratitude for her years of tremendous dedication.

For the past year the ISCEV has also accomplished much educationally. CEVnet, run byDr Scott Brodie, has become an important medium of information exchange. ISCEV’s instruction course held in Cuba last August welcomed Dr Holder, and Dr Dawson was instrumental in getting it off the ground. Prof Marmor and myself organised and participated in the instruction course and ISCEV symposiums in the International Congress of Ophthalmology held in Sydney this April.

ISCEV’s 40th meeting will soon be held in Leuven/Belgium. We all look forward to what promises to be a very special 40th meeting of the ISCEV to be organised by Dr Werner Spileers. Finally, I look forward to welcoming each and every one of you to Nagoya in 2003.

Yozo Miyake, ISCEV President


  Secretary-General’s Message top ↑

Time, again, to review what has been happening in our Society since I last wrote my piece. It’s not a true annual report since it runs from symposium to symposium and they are not fixed. But, as we prepare for our 2002 symposium (the 40th, no less!), it’s useful to reflect on what we’ve done well, what we’ve done not-so-well and what we are currently trying to do.

High on the list of what we’ve done well comes the annual symposium. Always. One of the real pleasures of being Secretary-General is the opportunity each year to work with the symposium organisers as they prepare. I try to provide some continuity and, hopefully, some help. To run the symposium is a daunting task for the local organisers, not only because of the sheer amount of work to be done, but also because of the high standards set by previous meetings and the excellence we have all come to expect. I always find myself advising them: “Don’t try to improve on last year – it can’t be done. Just try to match the standard, but in a different way”. And always they do!

Perhaps more than anything else, the annual symposium embodies the spirit of ISCEV: the friendly “family”feeling, the striving for excellence, the determination to progress.

I have to say, though, that our determination to progress has been sorely tried when it comes to the journal, Documenta Ophthalmologica. Although many, especially the Editor, have worked hard through the year, progress has been patchy and in some respects things have actually got worse. On the positive side some excellent Special Issues have been produced, and sincere thanks are due to the Guest Editors. This is set to continue, with special issues on the main symposium topics planned as a permanent feature for the future.

An unwanted side-effect has been that the rate of throughput for regular papers –already unsatisfactory–has become worse. In practice, this has not made as much impact as might be expected since, despite all exhortations, there was no increase at all in the number of papers submitted. We are working hard to improve throughput times – the process is being streamlined, and I am negotiating with the publisher to move to an A4 format (which will also give better figure quality). I’m sure it seems progress is slow –to me it seems agonisingly slow– but I do believe progress is being made. Negotiations also continue with regard to on-line access. So please don’t give up on the journal, and please do submit your papers.

Our society has been very active in three important areas. These are Education, with many courses being run; International Communications, with more and more of us looking to the ISCEV website as a primary source of information and communication; and Standards, with new standards/guidelines being produced and old ones revisited. Some structural changes to our society have been proposed to reflect the growing importance of the above. We shall vote this year on the creation of three new Board positions for Directors of these areas of activity. At the same time we shall vote on whether to reduce the number of “Regional” positions on the Board by three. This will keep it at a manageable size, but the main reason is that relatively little of our activity is carried out on a regional basis – a reflection of the truly international nature of our society.
It is also an acknowledgement that the internet makes it just as easy to communicate with a colleague in another continent as in another town. ISCEV acknowledges its duty to facilitate communication between members whilst, at the same time, respecting and protecting individual privacy. Our policy in this regard is currently under review and your input is welcome.

Finally –and on behalf also of fellow officers who may not get the chance to write a piece for themselves– I should like to express appreciation for your continued support. To serve our Society is sometimes difficult, frequently time consuming, but always rewarding. Thank you.

Colin Barber, PhD



  ISCEV Treasurer’s Report: 01 Jan 2001 - 31 Dec 2001 top ↑
Membership dues US $25,398
of which: Regular (166) & Junior (9) US $24,898
Corporate (1) US $500
Interest Income US $1,259
 Total US $26,657
Check handling fee US $175
Credit card handling fee US $1,050
Secretary-General’s office US $8,736
Editor’s office US $3,825
Treasurer’s office US $2,350
Dr Vaegan US $268
Total US $16,404

US $10,253
 Eimiko Adachi, ISCEV Treasurer




  Elections top ↑

The results of the elections in 2001 are as follows:

Secretary (Asia/Australia):   Atsushi Mizota

Member-at-Large:   Mitch Brigell

2004 Symposium location:

      Puerto Rico



  Minutes of the membership meeting in Manoir des Sables, Montréal, Québec, Canada top ↑

1. Opening by the President

The meeting is opened at 10.45 by the President, Professor Miyake. 91 members are present.

2. Minutes of the 2000 meeting

The minutes of the 2000 Membership Meeting are accepted as a true record and signed as such by the President. There are no matters arising.

3. Report of the Secretary-General

The Secretary-General (Professor Barber) presents his report for 2000, which has been published in the Newsletter. There are no matters arising from it.

4. Report of the Treasurer

The Treasurer (Professor Adachi) presents her report for 2000, which has been published in the Newsletter. There are no matters arising from it.

The President explains that Adachi now wishes to stand down as Treasurer, having completed the period of office remaining when Miyake was elected as President. He thanks her for her valuable work during this period. He informs the meeting that Kellner has been appointed by the Board to act as Treasurer, and this action is confirmed by unanimous vote of the members present.

5. Report of the Editor

The Editor (Dr Odom) gives his annual report, which has been published in the Newsletter. He asks that members note that manuscripts should now be sent directly to him and not to the publisher Kluwer.
Vaaegan raises the question of providing help in writing to members whose first language is not English. He remarks that he has done this with great success in the special issue of Documenta Ophthalmologica, which he has guest-edited. He says that he has succeeded in "uncovering" good science, which was obscured by poor English. He proposes that ISCEV somehow provide this help. Barber wonders whether the Editorial Board might not do this, pointing out that the Editorial Board has many members. The consensus view, though, is that they are already overburdened and a separate "Grammar Panel" is needed. Marilyn Schneck volunteers to serve, and the principle is accepted. It is agreed that the Editor shall recruit such a panel to help deserving authors.
Joe Harrison requests that it be possible to submit reviews by email and Odom confirms that this will be possible.

6. Publication Contract for Documenta Ophthalmologica

The Secretary-General (Colin Barber) reports that the contract with Kluwer will be automatically extended for 4 years unless ISCEV gives notice otherwise before 27 July 2001. In view of a number of problems, the Board does not wish the contract to be renewed as-is and he has been instructed to renegotiate the contract with Kluwer. He asks for comments from the floor on this important issue, commenting that, although the problems are severe, he believes that Kluwer, in the person of Paul Schuddeboom, who has come to the symposium, is making a determined effort to put things right.
Scott Brodie raises the question of the very bad distribution problems during the previous year. Barber recapitulates the background to the problems and the efforts that have been made and are being made to resolve them. He expresses his determination that adequate distribution be written into the contract.
John Lovasik asks about email access to the journal. This is available to members whose library has a subscription, but not available to individual members. Colin Barber explains that there is a very big difference between the cost of library subscriptions and member subscriptions, but that negotiations are already underway with Kluwer (between Paul Schudeboom and Michael Bach); he undertakes to ensure it features in the renegotiated contract.
The Meeting endorses the approach of the Secretary-General to negotiate an improved contract with Kluwer.

7. Elections

The President announces that elections are needed for the following Board positions:

7.1 Secretary (Asia/Australia) Position vacated by Oguchi

The President (Yozo Miyake) presents the Board’s candidate, Dr Atsushi Mizota, and asks if there are further nominations from the floor. Phil Anderton proposes Vaegan. In the absence of the two candidates, the meeting approves by the majority of > 50% each of these candidates, and so Mizota and Vaegan will go forward to a mail ballot of all members eligible to vote.

7.2 Secretary (Americas) Position vacated by Dick Weleber who is eligible for re-election, having served one term.

Yozo Miyake presents Weleber as the Board’s candidate, and asks if there are further nominations from the floor. There are none. In the absence of the candidate, the meeting votes. Weleber is elected unanimously.

7.3 Editor Position vacated by Odom, who is eligible for re-election, having served one term.

Yozo Miyake presents J Vernon Odom as the Board’s candidate, and asks if there are further nominations from the floor. There are none. In the absence of the candidate, the meeting votes. Odom is elected unanimously.

7.4 Member-at-Large

The Secretary-General explains that under the change to the Bye-laws approved last year, this is a new position and there are no geographical constraints. He asks for nominations from the floor. Bill Dawson proposes Mitch Brigrell; Mike Marmor proposes Patrizia Tormene. Both indicate their willingness to stand. In the absence of the two candidates, the meeting approves by the majority of > 50% each of these candidates, and so Brigell and Tormene will go forward to a mail ballot of all members eligible to vote.

8. Future Symposia

8.1 Symposium 2002

Werner Spileers, the organiser, makes a presentation, informing the Meeting about the dates and topics (published in the Newsletter) and giving information about Leuven itself.

8.2 Symposium 2003

Yozo Miyake reminds the meeting that this symposium will be in Nagoya, Japan. The dates are 6-10 April, when it is hoped the sakura will be in bloom. The topics are:
Multifocal Responses from the Visual Pathways
Night-blinding Disorders: Animal models and Clinical Investigation
Post meeting note: the proposed dates are changed to 1–5 April 2003.

8.3 Symposium 2004

Presentations are made at the Membership Meeting by Bill Dawson (Puerto Rica), Anne Fulton (Boston) and Mitch Brigell (Ann Arbor), followed by voting (by show of hands) in the absence of the putative hosts. The outcome of the voting is that Puerto Rica and Boston will go forward to a mail ballot of all members eligible to vote.

8.4 Symposium 2005

The Secretary-General (Colin Barber) reminds the membership that invitations have been received from Egypt(Wahiga Massoud/Azza Shihab) and Glasgow (Daphne McCulloch et al).

Post meeting note: he apologises that he forgot to mention an invitation from Berlin (Ulrich Kellner)

9. Standards

9.1 Multifocal Guidelines

Mike Marmor describes the progress made since last year and proposes that the final draft, achieved at the working breakfast be approved for publication. This is agreed by a large majority.

9.2 VEP Standard

Vernon Odom informs the membership of the meetings held during the course of the symposium and says that the revisions suggested will be publicised on the website for further consultation. Anne Fulton asks that a section be added on paediatric aspects.

9.3 Calibration Guidelines

Mitch Brigell describes the progress made at the working breakfast and informs the meeting that consideration is to be given to splitting the document into two: one on “Calibration” and the other on “Good Technical Practice”.

10. Report of the Symposium Organiser


Vaegan informs the meeting of his great success in organising the Sydney symposium, which has resulted in a surplus of $19,000.
Stuart Coupland asks whether the Multifocal Course was an ISCEV course, to which Vaegan replies that it was not. Coupland asks whether any payment was made to him, as organiser; Vaegan replies that he received expenses payments.
Michael Bach asks whether the invited Faculty were aware that it was not an ISCEV course, and whether they were paid a fee for speaking at a non-ISCEV course. Vaegan replies that he is not sure whether they were aware of it but they were not paid a fee.


Pierre Lachapelle reports that attendance has exceeded all expectations with 125 participants in the symposium, plus 25 in the course (the maximum), 42 accompanying persons and 12 children.


Post meeting note: The Secretary-General apologises for failing to point out that, due to the exceptional success of the Organising Committee in attracting sponsorship, a very good financial outcome is expected.

11. Items from the Board Meeting

The board appointed Dr Marmor as “Director of Standards” to harmonise the various on-going standardisation groups.

Any Other Business

Michael Bach makes his usual appeal for people to inform him of their correct email addresses.
Scott Brodie requests that CEVnet users restrict themselves to one email address and that it be the same one as in the main ISCEV database. He reminds them that CEVnet is open only to ISCEV members and that email addresses that are not identified as belonging to paid-up members will be removed from the list.

There is general acclamation from the floor for the outstanding success of CEVnet and Scott is thanked by the meeting for his hard work and initiative in getting it up and running.

Graham Holder, the incoming Director of Education, proposes a vote of thanks to Dick Weleber who this year completes his term as Director. The success of the Teaching Course is acknowledged and Dick is thanked by the meeting for his major role in this.

12. Closing of the meeting

The meeting is closed at 12.50

Colin Barber



  Future Symposia top ↑


The XXXXIth ISCEV Symposium will be organised by Y Miyake in Nagoya, Japan and is scheduled for 1-5 April 2003



The XXXXIIth ISCEV Symposium will take place in Puerto Rico, organised by WW Dawson and is scheduled for 14-18 November 2004



We have three invitations for the 2005 symposium: To Cairo/Egypt from Wahiga Massoud & Azza Shihab, to Glasgow/UK by Daphne McCulloch et al., and to Berlin/Germany by Ulrich Kellner.


  Regional reports top ↑


The high point of the year 2001 was the growing ISCEV/ARVO meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. The meeting began at 1:00 pm and was fully subscribed for paper submissions. Details of the scientific section of the meeting and attendance will be provided by Dr Richard Weleber (Secretary for the Americas). The afternoon was followed by a buffet of excellent variety and quantity. The attendees indicated that both their intellectual and gastronomic needs had been fully satisfied.

During the last year, Dr James Ver Hoeve (University of Wisconsin) continued his previous interactions with the administrative offices in the American Academy of Ophthalmology, which relate to the federal Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). Word has come down from HCFA that Jim’s counseling has resulted in a 50 - 60% increase in the “time component”of the reimbursement scale equation which is used to calculate the allowed fees for clinical electrodiagnostic procedures. Jim fills this informal position very well and has made a number of good contacts, which will be of service to the membership in the future.

Since the meeting in Asilomar, CA there has been continuing discussion about the form and results of the proposed Diplomate in Electrodiagnostics which will be offered by the Academy of Optometry. During the last two years the plans, text and testing program for candidates for the diplomate have been completed. Dr Gary Trick and Elmar Schmeisser of ISCEV have served on the committee and have helped shape the final program. The diplomate is available to any member of ISCEV who might wish to join the Academy of Optometry Basic Science Division and complete the necessary testing procedures. The conscequences of the diplomate could be significant in that holders could be identified as “providers” by HCFA (Health Care Finance Administration) and therefore become eligible to receive direct compensation for electrodiagnostic services.

This office has given significant assistance and advertisement to the “Traveling Symposium” sponsored by the Cuban Institute for Neurosurgery and Ophthalmology (Dr R. Santiesteban). The meeting was scheduled for August 2001 and had an educational contribution from ISCEV by way of a program designed by Dr Graham Holder.

William W. Dawson, PhD
Vice President for the Americas


The 49annual meeting of Japanese Society for Clinical Electropysiology of Vision was held at Toba city on November 16 and 17, 2001 by Prof Dr Yukitaka Uji, Facultyof Medicine, Mie University. Participants were 145 in this meeting. Prof Dr Günter Niemeyer in Neurophysiology Laboratory, Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital, Zurich/ Switzerland gave a invited lecture entitled “What information can be gained using the perfused mammalian eye?”. One special lecture was given by Prof Dr Yozo Miyake in Nagoya University. Three educational lectures about abnormality of genes and electrophysiology of vision were presented by 3 speakers. One symposium about the medicine and environmental factors and electrophysiology of vision was held by 7 symposists. Forty free papers were given.

The next meeting will be held in Chiba as “Joint Symposium of the 50th Meeting of Japanese Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision and the 12th World Congress of Retina International” on August 2-3, 2002 by Prof Dr Eimiko Adachi-Usami in Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University.


Yoshihisa Oguchi MD, Secretary for Asia & Australia, and Atsushi Mizota


This year the European Vision and Eye Research meeting will be held on 1-5 October in Alicante. The past vice-president for Europe, Nick Galloway, is organising a symposium on “Early Detection of Glaucoma”. A number of Society members are invited speakers at this symposium.

A one-day meeting on “Recent Advances in Visual Electrophysiology” was held at York by an ISCEV member (Robert Royall) with Graham Holder (Director of Education) giving an invited lecture. The success of this meeting has led to the suggestion of an annual event (much like the Japanese Society meeting) hosted by different ISCEV members within the U.K. The first annual meeting is planned for the first week in September at Nottingham University and will be hosted by Colin Barber (Secretary-General).

Recent events in the U.K. over the role of clinical scientists have allowed the Secretary-General to provide an ISCEV type input into these discussions. It is felt to be important that a British society or Chapter should be formalised to ensure continuance of this representation.

My involvement with some of these activities has not been as deep as I would have wished due to extreme commitments in the first 18 months of a 5-year term as secretary of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, but now we have a professional secretariat, and at last –some years after ISCEV– our own website it is expected to improve.

I very much look forward to being with you all in Nagoya.

Graham Harding, Vice-president Europe



  ISCEV Standard Revisions top ↑
From the Director of Standards

The promulgation of guidelines and standards for clinical electrophysiologic testing has become a major function of our ISCEV society beyond our internal affairs. At present we have standards in place for the ERG, EOG, PERG and VEP, and guidelines for mfERG and for the calibration of test equipment. These standards have been highly successful, by creating a core of clinical data that is evaluable for research and clinical care world-wide, and by helping new electrophysiolgists to learn proper basic techniques. At the same time, these standards and guidelines do not limit the scope of electrophysiologic testing in individual laboratories, nor should they stifle exploration of newer or better protocols. For standards to be meaningful, in fact, we need continued evolution to improve upon existing techniques, to add new test protocols, and to eliminate tests that are no longer critical or necessary. We also need to monitor the quality and tone of our documents so that they send a consistent message.

Current activities: ISCEV has just published “guidelines” for the mfERG, since this is a relatively new procedure and is not ready yet for formal standardization. The revised Calibration Guidelines have recently been submitted to the generaly membership for review. The VEP standard is undergoing its quadrennial re-evaluation, and is also being reviewed to bring it closer in style and focus to the ERG and EOG standards. Finally, some members have proposed the creation of standards for pediatric testing, and for some of the major groups of experimental animals. These proposals are open for discussion, and if appropriate, implementation. I welcome your input on any or all of these issues.


Michael F. Marmor, MD, ISCEV Director of Standards

Calibration Guidelines

I am pleased to inform the ISCEV membership that the Calibration Guidelines revision is in final draft form and has been posted on the website for review. A breakfast meeting will be held in Leuven and, if all goes well, we will bring a vote for approval to the business meeting. I welcome comments and suggestions prior to the meeting.

Mitchell Brigell, PhD, Chair Calibration Guidelines Committee




  ISCEV Editor’s Report top ↑

The purpose of Documenta Ophthalmologica is to promote the understanding and application of clinical electrophysiology of vision. Documenta Ophthalmologica publishes reviews, research articles, technical notes, brief reports and case studies which inform the readers about basic and clinical sciences related to visual electrodiagnosis and means to improve diagnosis and clinical management of patients using visual electrophysiology. Studies may involve animal or human subjects.

This year ISCEV will be renegotiating its affiliation with Kluwer. As these negotiations have not been completed at the time of my writing this report, May 2002, some aspects of the report may be altered by those negotiations.

Our Successes
Part of our agreement with Documenta’s publisher, Kluwer, was to fill six issues per year. In 2000 and 2001, we filled 6 issues. We shall do so again in 2002 and 2003. During 2001, the number of manuscript submission remained at 44. This represents the second consecutive year that we have had 44 manuscripts submitted as regular articles. At our current rate we should also reach this level in 2002 as well. Forty-four submissions is short of our goal of 60 manuscript submissions per year. However, when we include our special issues we have more than enough quality manuscripts to fill our six journal issues this year.

Success 1: Consistently receiving 40 or more manuscripts from our membership represents a strong commitment from the membership to make the journal succeed.

Success 2: Consistent production of quality special issues from our membership also represents a strong commitment from the membership to make the journal succeed.

In 2001, I informed Kluwer that the editorial office would again manage the review process. In addition Ms. Karen Murray, our Managing Editor, and I set a goal for ourselves; to send authors information regarding the initial decision on their manuscript within 6 weeks of our receiving the manuscript. Since July of 2001, we have come very close to meeting that goal. The average time between our receiving a manuscript and our sending out a letter informing the authors of the initial results of the review process is 6.3 weeks and appears to be improving.

Success 3: To make the editorial schedule work requires commitment on the part of the reviewers. Reviewers who agreed to review manuscripts have generally done so in a timely fashion. This is a third indication of the commitment of our members to the journal.

One thing that has made the journal work better is that you have contacted us when you thought that there might be problems with manuscripts. I encourage you to continue to do so. As always, you may send such comments either by regular or email to me,, or to the managing editor, Ms. Karen Murray,

Our Difficulties

This year we have had several difficulties. First among these is that some of our membership does not receive Documenta in a timely fashion. The journal has been published approximately every two months for the last year. However, at ARVO 2002, I discovered that some members including Dr Barber had not received the two issues, which were published in 2002. This represents a continuing difficulty in communication between the publisher and ISCEV.

Because of the past difficulties in timely delivery of journals, journals were not delivered to ISI, the company that creates Impact Factor ratings. Consequently, ISI did not rate Documenta Ophthalmologica in 2001-2002. Our understanding from Kluwer is that this issue of impact factor rating will be revisited in the fall of 2002 by ISI.

For a number of reasons, we currently have a backlog of articles. Consequently, there may be a considerable delay between the time articles have been accepted for publication and the time that they are actually published. The positive side to this difficulty is that it demonstrates that we are able to maintain a steady stream of quality manuscripts. Dr Barber will be using this knowledge in his negotiations with Kluwer to strive to increase the journal size by one of three methods, increasing the size to A4 format, increasing the page allotment per issue or actually increasing the number of issues. If he is successful the potential delays will be reduced.



Table 1. Summary Statistics on Documenta Ophthalmologica: 1998–2002
Period (Submitted) 1998 1999 2000 2001* 2002+
Total Regular Submissions 30 34 44 44 18
Accepted 25 19 30 35 3
Rejected 3 1 3 4 3
Rejected/Total 10% 3% 8% 9% 16.7%
Still under review 1 14 11 4 12
Withdrawn 1 0 1 1 0
Special Issue Articles Accepted 12 12 15 30 10
Special Issue Articles Under Review 24
Total Accepted Articles 47 19 19 65 11
Time for Initial Review (weeks) 12 11 17** 10 4
Time for Decision (weeks) 19 15 34** 13 5
** Represents time from receipt by editor to decision by editor
* Transition from publisher controlled reviews to editor controlled reviews
+ Partial Data 1 Jan 2002 through 30 April 2002





Table 2. Current Manuscript Status
Under Initial Review: 9
Out for Revision: 13
Accepted: 11 (no proofs received)
Waiting for publication: 30 (proofs received)
Rejected 8
Special issues: Animal Issue: part 2, ~10 articles
Niemeyer: Festschrift Issue, ~8 articles
Peachey & Lachappelle: Genetics, ~8 articles
Brecelj & Lachappelle: Development, ~8 articles
Spileers: Special Issue 1, 8-10 articles


J. Vernon Odom, PhD,, Editor Documenta Ophthalmologica







Alison M. Mackay from Glasgow was elected Dodt awardee at the ISCEV meeting in Montréal.

The Eberhard Dodt Memorial Award commemorates the life and work of Prof Dr med Dr med hc Eberhard Dodt, former director of the Max-Planck-Institute in Bad Nauheim, and long-standing member of the advisory board of ISCEV. The award is given for the best presentation at the annual meeting to a young scientist (below 35 years of age) according to scientific excellence, the novelty and potential value and/or clinical usefulness and the quality of the presentation (taking into account the native language).

At the Montréal symposium, Alison M. Mackay presented a talk entitled “A Laplacian electrode montage detects steady-state VEPs faster than a conventional montage (Oz-Fz) in children over three years old”, co-authored by MS Bradnam, R Hamilton, GN Dutton, J Dudgeon and AT Elliott.


Honoured Prizewinners, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,

On my husband’s gravestone are inscribed the words: “Your traces remain”. Of course, we all know that this is true only in a metaphorical sense. Sooner or later everyone’s remains perish and disappear – except, that is, in cases when a name and a lifetime of achievement continue to have an effect even after a person’s death, for example through support given to young colleagues in the same branch of science.

So far the Eberhardt Dodt Prize has been awarded five times on the occasion of the annual ISCEV symposium, and at four of these I have had the honour of presenting it in person.It is a great pleasure for me to be able to present the prize again on this occasion. For me it is a legacy from my late husband. Furthering the progress of young scientists, which was always close to his heart, thus continues to be associated with his name.

Last year, I was unable to come to Sydney because I had organised a charity concert at Bad Nauheim at this time. The soloists were the Japanese ophthalmic surgeon and pianist Mariko Mitsuyu, who had previously worked with my husband, and the Japanese horn-player Sichiro Ohno. They performed together with the young musicians of the German College for the Blind. The proceeds from the concert were devoted to increasing, once again, the capital sum in the endowment fund for our prize.

The prize is intended, as you know, to spur on young scientists from the new generation in the field of the electrophysiology of sight on their painstaking but promising path to further scientific knowledge. We can only register with astonishment Goethe’s line: “The essence of medicine is easy to grasp.”

All the same, Goethe was very well versed in natural science, as we can tell from his “Theory of Colour”; and in reality, he had a quite different concept of the medical man, and specifically of the ophthalmic surgeon:

We believe that we should regard the physician with particularly warm feelings,
especially the one whose profession is to examine the eye, to keep it in a good
state, to minister to its defects and to heal it when it is diseased.

This year’s jury has deemed your research contribution, Dr Alison M. Mackay, to be most deserving, out of a number of fine pieces of work. May I present you, with my heartfelt congratulations, the Eberhard Dodt Prize.

Elke Dodt



  Recollections of a Conference top ↑


Pierre Lachapelle shares his recollections of the Montréal Symposium with us:


As I am writing this post-symposium recollection I remember how febrile we were in the few days prior to the opening of the 39th ISCEV Symposium. Excitement was at its peak not only for members of the organizing committee but also for the entire staff of the Manoir des Sables for which this was their first major international experience. Did it show? Not at all! Everything went smoothly from the first official event, namely the ISCEV course to the very last official event, the ISCEV golf tournament, which was brilliantly won by Jane Marmor.

More than 250 friends came to visit us whether as ISCEV members, exhibitors, accompanying persons or children. A total of 121 scientific presentations were offered either as platform (52) or poster (69), all of them reporting results of stimulating and challenging research projects. How can we forget the exceptional contribution of the first ISCEV referees (Julie Racine and Allison Dorfman) in keeping us on time. All sessions started and ended on time, thanks to their firm ruling. Social events, which are also an important aspect of ISCEV family reunions, included a colourful and lively Opening Ceremony where we had to negotiate, with native Indians, in order to recuperate our president, Yozo Miyake. The natives also gave us an elegant demonstration of their ancestral dancing and signing savoir-faire which will be long remembered by all. Also included on our busy calendar of social events were: a delightful BBQ dinner under the tent, a dinner at the cabane-à-sucre where participants learned how to play the “wooden spoons”, a musical instrument typical of the Québec’s folklore, as well as perform typical québécois dances. This dinner will most probably be long remembered as the noisiest: just imagine, more than 200 (double) wooden spoons cracking at the same time. Similarly, we will not forget the traditional ISCEV Olympics which included this time not so traditional events such as the throw of the rubber booth and the québécois jig, to name a few.

The following day brought the entire group to Montréal for a full-day excursion: lunch and ISCEV official picture on the Mont-Royal mountain overlooking downtown Montréal, visit of old Montréal in the afternoon and finally a cocktail reception, followed by dinner at the Biosphere on the Notre-Dame Island.During the cocktail the contributions to the first ISCEV picture competition were presented. Winners of this competition were: Ido Perlman for best picture, Ann Moskowitz for most voluminous participation and a special prize to Yutaka Tazawa for his 1978 Morioka ISCEV film strip. Following the cocktail and recollections of past symposiums, we climbed to the 4th floor of the Biosphere to enjoy a delicious dinner facing a wonderful view of Montreal’s harbour and the Benson & Hedge’s International firework competition.

The Symposium Logo as designed by François Lachapelle

Of course the climax of all ISCEV meetings is the Banquet and ours was up to standard. The food was exquisite, the cheeses and port wine served at the most appropriate time (before dessert) and accompanying dessert and coffee the most dramatic ever conclusion of our Olympiads. You will remember that while points were gathered during the Olympiads, some were deducted by the referees for platform presentations that exceeded the allotted time. Also our Secretary-General took upon himself to add and deduct points to teams for items only he could have thought of, such as: the NAFTA geographical awareness allowance which favoured the USA team or the pre-contest penalty and bonus points which clearly disfavoured the USA team. As one could have easily anticipated, the outcome of Colin’s impartial intervention was to place all 5 teams (Asia, Canada, UK, Europe, USA) equal. This called for a pseudo-improvised tie-breaker which ultimately, after merciless competition, identified the European team as the winner.

For those of you who participated at the 39th ISCEV Symposium, the above will –I hope– bring back found memories. For those of you who, for whatever reason, could not attend our Symposium, the above (along with the accompanying pictures) will make you realise how good a family reunion you have missed. Should Canadians decide to hold another ISCEV Symposium (and now that a year has passed, I see no reason why not) let us hope that the entire ISCEV family will join us once more.


The senior ISCEV 39th Organising Committee: Jacqueline Orquin, Michelle McKerral, Marie-Sylvie Roy, Carol Westall, Stuart Coupland, François Tremblay, Serge Rosolen, Pierre Lachapelle.

The junior ISCEV 39th Organising Committee: Julie Racine, Allison Dorfman, Marianne Rufiange, Julie Brûlé, Alexandra Dassa, Julie Lachapelle, Hadi Chakor.

Morning mist on Lake Ormond,
beautiful backdrop for the Symposium

Quite relaxed, organiser Pierre Lachapelle and
daughter Julie let the events unfold themselves

Would you buy a used car from these referees?

Our illustrious president pow-powing with the natives
as an introduction to the festivities

The American team obviously tries hard–
The finalists in the “balloon crushing” competition: Mélanie
Lalonde and Subhadra Jalali  (picture by Malcolm Brown)

The dances–

–joined nations.

The ISCEV Olympics winning team:
Europe (excluding small offshore islands)

The Secretary General, Frau Elke Dodt,
a happy organiser, and our President bid us good-bye

Photos and commentary by Michael Bach.



  Education Director’s Report top ↑
The ISCEV-Sponsored Teaching Course

The content of the ISCEV Teaching Course was developed by the Educational Committee of ISCEV, and this course is always given in English. The 5th ISCEV Teaching Course was held June 17th, 2001, Manoir des Sables, Magog-Orford, Québec, Canada, just before the 39th ISCEV Symposium. This course was co-directed by Richard G. Weleber, MD, and Graham E. Holder, PhD, who took over as Education Director January 1st, 2002. Stuart Coupland, PhD, was the Local Coordinator. This was the first year that multifocal techniques were incorporated into the Course, which was attended by more than 35 participants and was deemed highly successful.

The next Teaching Course will take place Monday July 15th and Tuesday morning July 16th just before the 40th ISCEV Symposium in Leuven, Belgium. Dr Graham E. Holder is Course director and Dr Werner Spileers is Course Co-ordinator.


Richard G. Weleber, MD, Outgoing Director of Education

Graham E. Holder, PhD, Current Director of Education

A note from the Current Education Director

I would like to acknowledge the hard work and effort put in by Dr Weleber to ensure that the previous ISCEV Courses for which he has been responsible have been highly successful. I thank him on behalf of the Society. It is my aim to maintain the high standards that Dr Weleber has set, and to continue to offer Course participants high quality lectures from experts in the field. As part of ongoing development there will be periodic changes in Faculty; on behalf of the Society I would therefore also like to thank Professors Colin Barber and Vernon Odom for their excellent contributions to previous Courses.

Other Courses run by ISCEV members in the last year included those in Berlin (Kellner), London (Holder) Munich (Berninger) and Tubingen (Zrenner). In addition, Professor Colin Barber co-ordinated a teaching symposium at the SOE Meeting in Istanbul, June, 2001. A similar symposium was run by Professors Michael Marmor and Yozo Miyake in association with the ICO Meeting in Sydney, April, 2002.

ISCEV Members intending to run “ISCEV Approved” Courses are reminded that they need to forward details of Course content and faculty to the Director of Education prior to publicising their Course.

Graham E. Holder, Director of Education

A Report from the “Travelling Meeting on Peripheral Nerve and Visual System Disorders” in Cuba

ISCEV Members Professor Rosaralis Santiesteban Freixas and her son, Dr Carlos Mendoza Santiesteban, organised a “Travelling Meeting on Peripheral Nerve and Visual System Disorders” in Cuba in August 2001. ISCEV members Marko Hawlina (Slovenia), Graham Holder (UK) and Angelika Shamshinova (Russia) attended, with Holder and Hawlina running a very well attended teaching Course. A main theme of the meeting was the “epidemic” optic neuropathy, probably related to nutritional factors, and which affected more than 50,000 Cubans in 1993. Shamshinova was presented with a well-deserved award for services to electrophysiology in Cuba, having been instrumental in starting visual electrophysiology there in the 1970’s. Other distinguished guests included JEK (Dick) Galbraith, Michio Hirano, Tom Hedges III, Jun Kimura and Alfredo Sadun.

Unique in the writer’s experience, the meeting was held in different places, enabling those visitors from abroad to experience some more of the beauty of Cuba. After an opening day in Havana, the next day saw a bus ride to Pinar Del Rio, where the local ophthalmologists were the first to recognise the onset of the neuropathy. Days 3 and 4 were in Havana, and the fifth day in Varadero, a popular holiday resort, for the final session on Visual Electrophysiology.

Rosaralis Santiesteban and Carlos Mendoza expressed their gratitude to ISCEV for our support. They are to be congratulated, not only for organising a splendidly enjoyable meeting, but also for striving hard to attain high standards of electrophysiology under difficult conditions.

Graham E. Holder, London



  Web News top ↑

CEVnet, the on-line discussion list-server sponsored by ISCEV, completed its first year of operation in January 2002. The list moderator, Scott E Brodie, wrote:

Many thanks to those who participated in this new forum. Overall, in the past year, traffic on CEVnet ran at the rate of approximately one message per day, creating about 70 ‘threads’ of linked discussion topics and responses. I am working on creating a ‘digest’ of the entire first year’s CEVnet traffic, which will allow participants to review old messages on a central server and allow everyone the opportunity to free up disk space on their personal computer without losing access to our prior discussions. We are also planning to provide a summary of CEVnet highlights for the year in Documenta, the ISCEV journal. Please make every effort to keep your email address on our master list up to date. CEVnet users are frequently annoyed by “failure to deliver” messages sent by member’s email servers due to changes in their email address. In order to minimise this problem, I am now actively deleting from the CEVnet address list those addresses which repeatedly reject CEVnet messages.

Please email any changes of email address to Scott Brodie, CEVnet Moderator, at (with a Cc to as well as requests to be added or dropped from the CEVnet list. Remember that the server will accept messages only from active email addresses – if you (or your email server) change your email address, but continue to receive CEVnet messages through an automatic forwarding arrangement, you will not be able to post CEVnet messages until your email listing is updated. Those ISCEV members who were reluctant to participate in CEVnet for fear of overwhelming their email in-box should be reassured that our experience in 2001 indicates that this need not be of concern, and are warmly invited to reconsider!


Scott E. Brodie, MD, PhD; Moderator, CEVnet;

Our ISCEV website is operative since 1996. In 1999 we acquired the internet domain <>. One of the more importat tidbits there is direct online access to the ISCEV standards.

Our website also sports a list with the members’ email addresses, and homepages, if known. As every year, I pledge your help in checking your (and your colleagues) entries there, since we still are missing some, and also get a sizable number of address errors when sending ISCEV information to all members via email.

However, an aspect that deserves our attention here is privacy of sensitive data. We obviously need to balance accessibility with privacy. When I originally set up the “Members” page I purposely left out the mail addresses, but added the emails. Over the last 6 years email spam has risen to exorbitantly.

The possibility exists that addresses have been picked up by “robots” from our member page. The first step I have taken is to replace the @-sign by a decimal HTML equivalent throughout the member’s page: It ‘looks’ the same, still works with respect to “double-clickability”, but is not recognised as an email address by the dumber robots. We will further provide the choice to “opt out” of having one’s email published on the ISCEV web pages. Any further suggestions here are welcome.

My goal for our website is to provide a site with more content than glitz, loading rapidly, scalable to all screen sizes, and not relying on fancy features of the most recent browser version. Please check it out; I welcome your critique.

Michael Bach, PhD, Director of International Communication






  Obituary: Tony Kriss top ↑

Tony Kriss died peacefully on Friday 3rd October after battling cancer for several years. He was 55yrs old. Tony is best known to ISCEV for his knowledge and practice of paediatric visual electrophysiology, but we will also remember his humour, kindness and camaraderie, which characterised his too short career.

After a childhood in Peru, Tony arrived for senior school in Scotland a fluent Spanish speaker, with a competitive taste for ball games and an incredible ability to get on with people. He read Psychology at Aberdeen University, where he met his wife Janet. The following year in 1970 Tony did a Masters degree in the Applied Psychology Unit, at Aston University, Birmingham where he became acquainted with electrophysiological techniques, and Graham Harding’s work. Tony was working as a neurophysiologist at the Brook Hospital in London during this time. Tony pursued his interests by continuing with a PhD registered at Aston on the effects of unilateral electro convulsive therapy and took a post as a research scientist in the MRC Unit, led by Martin Halliday at the National Hospital for Nervous diseases, Queen’s Square, London. Tony also spent some time as a Guest Scientist at The Netherlands Ophthalmic Institute, Amsterdam. Although Tony was experienced in all aspects of neurophysiology his interest in visual electrophysiology was kindled and in 1986, in collaboration with David Taylor, Tony established the Visual Electrophysiology Unit at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London.

Over the last 15 years Tony sought techniques and methods that allowed visual electrophysiological tests to be applied in infants and children with the minimum of distress and risk; avoiding sedation and anaesthesia. The humanity of his methods and meaningfulness of his results ensured that the demands for his unit’s clinical services increased steadily. In the last 2 years Tony was instrumental in commissioning and designing clinical laboratories and equipment to meet these increasing demands. With Tony’s consent we were proud to name the new expanded clinical facilities at Great Ormond Street after him.

Tony was an active member of ISCEV and The British Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. He was actively promoting the close association of academic research and clinical electrophysiology in the role of Clinical Scientist in the UK system. He organised and participated on British Council Courses and held an Associated Links in Science (ALIS) fellowship, sponsored by the British Council and the Slovene government collaborating closely with Jelka Brecelj, in Ljubljana. He had visited many famous international visual electrophysiology laboratories when he first set up the unit at Great Ormond Street and continued to travel widely, lecturing and helping establish units for children across the world.

During all this clinical activity Tony enjoyed considerable academic success with over 100 original papers, numerous chapters and considerable grant monies. He was intellectually active until his last days at home, finishing an invited chapter and preparing his PhD student for success in her viva: his meticulous attention to detail undiminished. Tony’s early sporting enthusiasm and prowess became a local legend as a succession of medical residents passing through our department attempted in vain to beat him on the squash court. Tony helped many of these same residents develop a taste for research and supervised much of their work.
Throughout his illness and treatment Tony worked without complaint or any outward sign of distress. He always found time and a smile for people great and small, no matter the pressures surrounding him. Tony was a man of principle, determination and kindness, who had a genuine love of children. His face would suffuse with laughter very often, and his patient and relaxed approach coaxed the best out of the most demanding infants, and brought the least anxiety to their parents. He never once lost sight of the need to consider each and every patient as an individual who deserved the best.

Those of us who had the privilege of working alongside Tony gained so much from his example and experience, and will greatly miss his humanity, humour, and warmth. Tony was dedicated to his family, and our thoughts are with his wife Janet and four children Shona, Isla, Heather and Andrew.

Dorothy Thompson.




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    Board of Officers



Y Miyake   (2003/1)
Nagoya University School of Medicine,
65 Tsurumai, Cho, Showa-ku,
Nagoya 466, Japan




Colin Barber   (2004)
Medical Physics Department,
Queen's Medical Centre,
Nottingham NG7 2UH, England




WW Dawson (Americas,   2002/1)
GFA Harding (Europe,   2004/1)
Y Oguchi (Asia/Australia,   2004/1)



Secretary for the Americas

RG Weleber   (2005/2)



Secretary for Asia and Australia

A Mizota   (2005/1)



U Kellner   (2005/1)




JV Odom   (2005/2)




M Bach (2004/2, Director of International Communication)
M Brigell   (2005/1)
GE Holder
(2002/1, Director of Education)
P Lachapelle   (2004/1)
L Wu  (2002/2)



Advisory Board Member

M Marmor (2003, Director of Standards)




 AE Kohlrausch (1961) †
 HM Burian (1973) †
 T Tomita (1983) †
 HE Henkes (1983)
 GB Arden (1994)
RA Granit (1965) †
G Karpe (1973) †
E Dodt (1992) †
LH van der Tweel (1988) †
SE Nilsson (1996)
