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Abstract Submission

To submit an abstract for ISCEV 2005 use the online form below.

Acceptances and Program details will be notified July 1 2005.


Name of presenting author:  
Email Address: *

* Required field


Specify your presentation format:


Case Presentations (Abstract not required at present time)

I am willing to present a case that illustrates applications of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (5 minutes). We will contact you later regarding the clinical cases session.


The abstract should adopt a structured format: Title (block Capitals); Authors names (with presenting author first); author's institutional affiliations; Purpose; Methods;Results; Conclusions and (optionally, Acknowledgements of financial support and the support of any colleagues who are not authors) The abstract should be restricted to 500 words in total.

See an example abstract:

You can type direct onto the form or you can use your preferred word processor and then copy & paste to the box below. It is your responsibility to ensure your abstract is free of typographical errors and is translated in an acceptable English format.

Financial relationship (choose a category code from below)

Further details on Financial Relationship Category Codes


The abstract involves the use of human subjects and procedures are consistent with the Declaration of Helsinki.

The abstract involves animal research which was conducted humanely and complied with local guidelines and laws governing the use of animals in research


I want to be considered for the Eberhard Dodt Award. This honours our longtime friend and scientist. Eligible scientists are 34 years or younger (on 1 Jan. 2005). (Either include this or link to the awards page with this information) The $400 honorarium and $600 travel fellowship may be used for future ISCEV travel. The award is made by an Adjudicating Panel on the quality of presentation as an oral paper or poster.

I am applying for a travel grant. (Further details). In the box below please provide a brief statement of circumstances including an indication of experience in clinical electro-physiology and the reason that financial assistance is required. If you are a student or junior member of a programme, also indicate the name and e-mail address of the laboratory or department director.

* All travel grant applicants must send a separate letter of support (normally from the Department head or director) addressed to:

Prof Daphne McCulloch, ISCEV Secretary General, Dept of Vision Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G12 0BA, UK

If time is short, letters of support may be sent by fax: +44 141 331 3387 but please also send an original copy by post.


Oral presentations will be by Computer projection. Please check the Video projection box if you require the use of video in your presentation.

Video projection required

Please Note: You will receive feedback on submission of your abstract. This will be unformatted text. Do not be concerned by this as your original formatting will be preserved in the abstract book.




David Keating 1,2, Stuart Parks 1, Donald C.Smith 2, Aled Evans 2

1. Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology, Glasgow, UK

2. Department of Clinical Physics and Bio-Engineering, North Glasgow Hospitals NHS Trust, Glasgow, UK

Purpose : To use multifocal ERG to investigate offset responses and responses to ‘dark’ stimuli or light decrement stimuli.

Methods: It is not possible to obtain Offset multifocal ERG responses from conventional CRT stimulation due to the short luminance ‘on-times’ for each stimulus frame (typically 1- 2 msec of a 13.33 msec frame update time. A custom built LED multifocal Stimulator was used to provide long duration flashes (106 msec) to enable true separation of multifocal ERG onset and offset responses. The use of light decrement or ‘dark’ stimuli in perimetry for detection of glaucomatous field defects has shown promise in recent years 1 . CRT devices do not allow the presentation of such stimuli. In order to present light decrement stimuli the m-sequence ‘0’ state was set to a 13.33 msec period of high luminance and the m-sequence ‘0’ state set to a 1 msec period of low luminance followed by a 12.33 msec period of high luminance.

Results: Long duration stimuli show clear separation of the onset and offset components with the offset response approximately 25% the amplitude of the onset response. Light decrement stimuli produce much smaller responses with amplitudes less than 10% that obtained with standard stimulation. Waveform shape changes are also present with the relative contribution of the N1 component larger and the N2 component smaller for the light decrement stimuli compared to standard light increment stimuli.

Conclusions: Theses techniques enable the study of offset responses in clinical conditions and are of potential interest in conditions such as CSNB and in Glaucoma.





Financial Support 

None: Indicates there is no commercial relationship whatsoever.

Financial: Indicates that you have received through your employing institution support from a for-profit company, or competing company, in the form of research funding or research materials or services at no cost relating to the subject matter of your presentation.

Personal Financial Interest

Investor: Indicates that you are an investor in a company or competing company, which provides a product, service, process or equipment, which is the subject matter of your presentation.

Employee: Indicates that you are an employee of a company or competing company with a business interest, which is the subject matter of your presentation.

Consultant:  Indicates that you are, or have been within the last three years, a consultant for a company or competing company with a business interest which is the subject matter of your presentation.

Patent: Indicates that you are an inventor/developer designated on a patent, patent application, copyright, or trade secret, whether or not the patent, copyright, etc. is presently licensed or otherwise commercialised, which is the subject matter of your presentation or could be in competition with the technology described.

Gift Recipient: Indicates if you have received gifts in kind, honoraria or travel reimbursement valued at over $1000 in the last twelve months from a company or competing company which provides a product, service, process or equipment which is the subject matter of your presentation or publication.